When a dog’s feeling down, Rocky Kanaka knows what to do. The host of Save Our Shelter recently took Wade the French bulldog out for a massively fun day to give him some quality time and get the word out that’s he’s looking for a new home. Check out all their adventures, including a custom ball bit, below.
So why is an adoptable Frenchie not being scooped up immediately? According to Kanaka’s site, “Wade is a 5 year old French Bulldog who is battling a severe case of Valley Fever, a condition that often leads to death if not treated. He was abandoned to Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue likely due to the cost of the treatment.”
While Wade will recover from Valley Fever, he’ll need to be medicated for the remainder of his life. Marley’s Mutts has set up a donation page to help his future forever family offset the costs. Head over to help out! His adoption application is also located there (hint, hint).
We’re happy Marley’s Mutts and Kanaka are working so hard to get the word out about Wade, and we’re doing the same. Please share, too!