Do you follow more dogs than people on Instagram? Does your Tinder bio say “must love dogs”? Do you freak out a little every time you see an adorable dog on the street? Then Dogspotting is definitely the place for you.
Dogspotting is a Facebook group that’s all about spotting and snapping pics of adorable pups. With almost half a million members, it’s an awesome community of people who are super passionate about cute canines.
Once you join, your life will improve by approximately 1000% (based on my guesstimations). Right now, your timeline is probably filled with annoying political posts and way too many photos of your cousin’s new baby. But with Dogspotting, prepare to be flooded with as many precious pups as you can handle.
The way Dogspotting works is pretty simple. You spot a dog, you take a picture, and post it to the group. Great photography and witty captions are encouraged. If a dog is simply too cute to capture in one single frame, you can post a video of all its furry glory. But before you post, make sure your spot follows the Dogspotting rules:
- No known dogs- you can’t post your own dog or a dog that you’ve met before
- No low hanging fruit- dog parks, pet stores, vet offices, or any other places that are dog-oriented are considered “low hanging fruit’ and are off limits
- No service dogs- respect the safety of the owner and don’t bother a dog that is working
- No humans- pictures should focus on the dog and humans should be cropped or blurred out if possible
If this all sounds like too much, you don’t have to post. Just enjoy the endless stream of darling doggos. Like these:
Your Facebook feed is in desperate need of more pups and less politics. It’s the only way to stay sane in 2017. So head on over to Dogspotting and let the healing begin. You can thank me later.