How to Sit in a Chair Featuring Rocco’s Fluffy Butt
Are you tired of sitting in chairs the regular way? Are you unsure of how chairs work? Do you ask yourself, “why do chairs even exist in this world?” on a regular basis?
Well, Rocco is here to help! Rocco was asking his butt these questions every day. He finally came up with a solution that he wants to share with the world: There are no rules to chair sitting! Here are several alternative ways to sit in a chair according to Rocco.
1. The “Watcha Thinkin’ About”
2. The “Mountain Climber”
3. The “Booty Pop”
4. The “I’m Pouting”
5. The “Butt Stand”
6. The “Friend Sit”
7. The “Lap Dog”
8. The “Sit On A Friend”
9. The “Beyoncé”
10. The “Hangover”
11. The “Butt Hang”
12. The “Naptime”
13. The “Cat”
14. This is not a chair…
If you’d like to see more of Rocco’s fluffy butt, you can follow him on Instagram and Facebook.