We think of our pets as family so when they get sick we panic and have a million questions. Well, no fear, Dr. Alice Weiss is here! Dr. Weiss has been working for 30 years as a licensed veterinarian and is here to answer any questions you may have about your best furry friends.
If you have a question for Dr. Alice about your pet, email it to: AskAlice@PetInsider.com.
Dr. Alice,
My dog got into antibiotics for my son. I was so scared for my dog. I called my veterinarian and was so relieved that he was ok. I just wanted to let you know. Sincerely, Whoops
Dear Whoops,
Thank you for letting me know! If your veterinarian’s office is closed, there are different 800 numbers. One of them is Animal Poison Control at 888-426-4435. I am so glad your pupster is ok!!
Read more of Dr. Alice’s sage advice here.